What is your business? Hoganville Family Farms started in 2011.
What makes your product unique? We often get asked what makes our sauerkraut different. We use 3 ingredients, just cabbage, salt, and water. That's it!
It's a very natural product, naturally fermented, and you'll notice the taste is crunchy and mild. We do not use vinegar.
What is your favorite product you offer? We offer different sizes of sauerkraut, including a 12 oz and 24 oz jar. We have many repeat customers that love the mild and crunch flavor that this locally made product provides.
What types of products will you offer at Cider Days? We will be selling our 12 oz and 24 oz jars of sauerkraut.
How can people learn more about your business? Learn more about HFF by visiting our website at http://www.hoganvillefamilyfarms.com or by visiting our Cider Days booth!